The "maker" in mathematics teaching: a new approach to gaining new knowledge


  • Stephany Fernando de Araujo Flôres Mendoça


Maker, Método ensino, Transdisciplinaridade


An important trend has emerged in recent years in countries such as the United States and has gained strength throughout Brazil. It is about the implementation of a practical teaching model, known as maker teaching, which aims to make the student the protagonist of his learning and autonomous to the point of consolidating knowledge through dynamic and meaningful classes and, considered by many researchers, as a weapon against traditionalism. in schools (Gavassa, 2020). This model also aims to stimulate each person's ability to explore existing technologies and discover multiple disciplines in a kind of reverse research, where the student realizes the importance of mathematical knowledge, for example, while building an object (Paula, Oliveira; Martins, 2019). The research project under discussion aimed to make use of the "maker" culture and transdisciplinarity to investigate whether the relationship between mathematics and other sciences, and with the concrete, makes them more attractive for students who do not have an affinity with them, and to Analyze whether the 'maker' has the potential that editorials and courses focused on education have preached, using an application in the classroom to observe the main challenges that arise during the process.


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How to Cite

de Araujo Flôres Mendoça, S. F. (2023). The "maker" in mathematics teaching: a new approach to gaining new knowledge. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from