A Deaf Woman's Journey to Becoming a Teacher in Sign Language Teaching: Education, Breaking Down Barriers and Accessibility


  • Paula Maiane da Silva Cavalheiro


Educação de surdos, Método autobiográfico, Quebra de barreiras


This work presents a thematic discussion of autobiographical origin about the journey of a deaf woman to becoming a LIBRAS teacher; Thus, it is the initial product of an autobiographical investigation, which presents, in this work, the review of the literature carried out on the topic, built from an integrative systematic review. The ongoing research is carried out within the scope of the Master's Degree in Teaching (PPGMAE), at the Federal University of Pampa (Baghé campus). The teaching of LIBRAS in universities was established by decree 5626/2005, since then it has been included in the curriculum as a mandatory subject in some undergraduate courses. In this way, the construction of this autobiographical narrative is justified, bringing not only barriers, moments of uncertainty, lack of access and inclusion, but also moments of victory and improvement, showing other deaf students that it is possible to face adversity and overcome difficulties. challenges. .through the fight for accessibility, guaranteed according to law no. 10,098/2000 (Accessibility Law), defining the necessary measures to overcome attitudinal, linguistic, communication and architectural barriers.


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How to Cite

da Silva Cavalheiro, P. M. (2023). A Deaf Woman’s Journey to Becoming a Teacher in Sign Language Teaching: Education, Breaking Down Barriers and Accessibility. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from