Identifying the Gifted/Gifted Abilities of Women in Higher Education


  • Marseli Nunes de Castro


Altas habilidades/superdotação, Mulheres, Identificação, Autoconceito


The distortion of the identity of people with High Abilities/Giftedness is a factor that hinders their visibility in society. This invisibility is of great magnitude when we talk about the identification of adult women, who from a young age have cultural and gender problems that prevent the real visualization of their above-average potential. In the phenomenon of High Abilities/Giftedness, for a long time society understood it from the perspective of myths. Therefore, identifying HA/SD in women with the obstacles imposed by the historical and cultural context allowed this gender to perceive that all their intellectual functioning was something natural. According to Prado (2011), the social circle in which a woman is inserted will contribute to enhancing or inhibiting her abilities and talents. The society we live in ends up not seeing the skills and talents in women.


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How to Cite

Nunes de Castro, M. (2023). Identifying the Gifted/Gifted Abilities of Women in Higher Education. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from