¿Y después que crecí? Una investigación internacional sobre adultos con altas habilidades/superdotación


  • Susana Graciela Perez Barrera


Altas habilidades/super dotación, AH/SD, Educación inclusiva


The topic of High Abilities/Giftedness (AH/SD) is very little discussed in our country, as well as in the entire region, and although it may seem very new, it is not. Research in the field began related to intelligence and its measurement with Galton with the publication of his book “Hereditary Genius” in 1869. He was followed by Leta Hollingworth who published her first book on the subject in 1920 and the enormous longitudinal study of Terman, which begins in the same year. Many myths and beliefs prevent a better understanding of this behavior that is present and, most of the time, hidden, in approximately 10% of the population of any school, high school or country.


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How to Cite

Perez Barrera, S. G. (2023). ¿Y después que crecí? Una investigación internacional sobre adultos con altas habilidades/superdotación. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from