The impacts of psychopedagogical care after the covid 19 pandemic


  • Rosa Maria da Motta Azambuja


Impactos, Servicio psicopedagógico, pospandemia


The Covid-19 pandemic is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which produces an acute respiratory syndrome, which has caused deaths and has left physical, emotional and social consequences for patients, in addition to emotional and social consequences. for their families, leaving traces of perplexity and deep scars. Suddenly we were all surprised with social isolation and the threat of Coronavirus. This situation caused our routine to change, so professionals had to adapt to the use of technologies to do their work remotely. Among them, the clinical psychopedagogue who also interrupted in-person sessions for the online modality.


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How to Cite

da Motta Azambuja, R. M. (2023). The impacts of psychopedagogical care after the covid 19 pandemic. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from