On the commitments of the biographical method for all the actors involved in a research


  • Carlos Alberto Palomo


Método biográfico, Investigación, Metodología


An investigation is dialogic. It is presented as a conversation between people who share a problem. This generates an ontological, epistemological and methodological position. It is not something simply superficial or declarative. Just to start. Believing in the illusion of unique methods can be very emotionally relieving. But it also means entering a path of forcing reality and processes so that the result is what we always had in mind. A thesis research can be something else. Something more valuable for those who do it and with whom they do it. That is, if not it is a simple monographic report… What is it? Well, at least - or the maximum, depending on how you live - is the commitment to the entire research process.


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How to Cite

Palomo, C. A. (2023). On the commitments of the biographical method for all the actors involved in a research. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from