The modern Foreign Language: The Subject's Social Formation and the Teacher's Role in Teaching


  • Cibele Diviani Universidad de la Empresa



The general objective of this discussion is to analyze how the conceptions of language, language, teaching and learning are presented in the academic grid and in the speeches of teachers. The methodology used has a qualitative approach with bibliographical and documentary research procedures. The results confirm that teaching English is very important for the school curriculum, especially in a globalized world, as it expands knowledge of other cultures, making it possible to develop a perception of one's own language. The theories made it clear that the acquisition of a foreign language, in this case, English, expands students' vision, behavior and engagement, participation in an increasingly globalized and plural social world. The process of linguistics in the teaching of L.I. in the classroom, it conjectures another interest that gives rise to teacher training, a contemporary need with globalized pretensions.


Keywords: modern foreign language, English, teaching, teacher training.

