Use of augmented reality in teaching spati geometry in elementary school


  • Evelin Lima Albuquerque UDE



Geometry, mathematics, primary education, augmented reality


The objective of this present work is, through a literature review, to identify innovative practices in elementary school geometry teaching, highlighting experiences that have incorporated active methodologies. The results emphasize the relevance of integrating digital technologies in exploring spatial geometric concepts, particularly the use of applications that work with augmented reality, thus facilitating the understanding of three-dimensional concepts. Additionally, they highlight the effectiveness of practical approaches in comprehending geometric areas and shapes. However, the data reveal challenges faced by teachers in using digital information and communication technologies (DICT) in the classroom due to a lack of training. In the discussion, the importance of empowering teachers for the effective use of DICT (Digital Information and Communication Technologies) is emphasized, highlighting the need for investments in training and infrastructure. Furthermore, the positive receptivity of students to innovative methodologies is emphasized, indicating increased interest and participation during activities that incorporate technology. Therefore, this study underscores the urgent need to rethink traditional approaches in geometry teaching by incorporating active methodologies and technological resources. Teacher training and awareness of the educational potential of innovations are crucial to promoting education more aligned with contemporary demands, effectively preparing students for the challenges of the 21st century.


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